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EHA Clinics is proudly the first JCI Accredited Clinic for Ambulatory care in Sub-Saharan Africa. Learn more

Maternal Health Services

The EHA Clinics program for expectant women and parents.

Antenatal Classes

Antenatal classes are a space for both you and your partner, providing you with the information you need to confidently prepare for the safe birth of your baby and life as parents.

Our Antenatal classes are offered free of charge at EHA Clinics and are usually fun and supportive.

Antenatal classes are offered on the first Saturday of every month. Attendance is either online or in-person across our communicated locations.

At these classes, you will:

  • learn how to stay healthy throughout and after pregnancy
  • learn how you and your partner can get ready for labour, birth and parenthood
  • learn how to care for your newborn including feeding optionsy
  • connect with other parents on the same journey as you
  • have a safe opportunity to ask the Doctors and Nurses all your questions and concerns
Join for free
next antenatal class

Physiological changes in Pregnancy

May 6, 2023

11am - 1pm

Join in-person:
Kano - 4-6 Independence road, Kano.
Abuja - Plot 944 Asba and Dantata Life camp, Jabi, Abuja.

Join online:
Click to join Zoom meeting

Meeting ID: 854 8640 5809
Passcode: 773727


Our Care Packages

Let us take care of you

Our care packages are designed and tailored to fit your needs. From antenatal care to postnatal care, we offer a wide range of services to ensure your pregnancy journey is safe.

Antenatal Care

We offer a multi-disciplinary approach to ensuring the health and safety of the mother and the unborn child throughout the exciting period of pregnancy. Let EHA Clinics be your partner through the journey of the miracle of life.

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Antenatal Package

₦350,000 (₦170,000 for members)
  • 12 doctor visits
  • Maternal and baby assessment at each visit
  • Covers all recommended health screenings, tests and ultrasounds
  • Includes all recommended Vaccines and Prophylaxis

Postnatal Care

The postnatal care package has been curated to meet the goal of providing comprehensive, convenient and patient-centred care to postpartum mothers and their babies, including ways of avoiding preventable postpartum complications. This service is provided from the convenience of your home and is available at both Abuja and Kano EHA Clinics branches.

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Postnatal Care Package

₦67,000 (₦26,800 for members)
  • 3 homecare visits
  • Immunization at birth and 6 weeks (NPI)
  • Physical assessment for the mother at each visit
  • Mental assessment for the mother at each visit
  • Child wellness assessment at each visit
  • Patient education at each visit

Health Screenings

Recommended Tests

In addition to the mandatory tests you will undergo during your antenatal, see below some other recommended tests for a safe pregnancy.

₦ 395,000.00

The IONA® test is a non-invasive prenatal test for pregnant women which estimates the risk of a fetus having Down’s syndrome (T21), Edwards' syndrome (T18) and Patau’s Syndrome (T13).

  • Safe: no risk of miscarriage
  • Fast: results available in 8-10 working days from sample receipt in the laboratory
  • Accurate: overall 99.8% detection rate
₦ 17,700.00

A cervical screening procedure used to detect potentially precancerous and cancerous processes in the cervix or colon.

  • New methodology
  • more accurate than conventional smear test
₦ 51,300.00

The PCR testing process helps detect the presence of bacteria or parasite that may cause you to have a sexually transmitted infection. PCR is a very reliable diagnostic tool because of its high sensitivity and specificity. This test requires a urine sample to be collected.

  • Chlamydia
  • Gonorrhea
  • T.vaginalis
  • Mycoplasma


Power up with vitamins

The best way to get the vitamins and minerals you need is by following a healthy diet. However, during pregnancy your body might fall short on some of the key nutrients. It is important to take prenatal vitamins to ensure your baby is receiving the nutrients needed.

₦ 7,209.00

Expert nutritional care through all of pregnancy. An effective way to support the diet you and your baby depend on.

₦ 3,374.97

Contributes to normal development of the eye and brain of the foetus.

₦ 1,625.40

Expert Nutrition for After Pregnancy. Helps to ease the fatigue and tiredness that many new mums experience.

₦ 2,029.05

Besides providing you all the essential nutrients it also helps to relieve nausea and morning sickness during pregnancy.

₦ 3,192.75

Folic acid helps in the prevention of neutral tube defects in babies during pregnancy.

10 Ways to stay healthy during pregnancy


Maintain a Healthy diet

Maintaining a healthy diet is essential during pregnancy. Your baby needs the sufficient nutrients to grow healthy. You are encouraged to eat more fruits and vegetables, whole grains, calcium-rich foods and foods low in saturated fat. Make sure you avoid certain foods like raw or undercooked food, unpasteurized cheese and milk, and fish that are high in mercury.


Don't Forget your daily Vitamins

Make sure you take your prenatal vitamin prescribed to you on a daily basis. This is to ensure that your baby is getting the right amount of nutrients needed to grow well.


Drink lots of water

As a pregnant woman, you will need more water than you normally need. Aim at drinking not less than 4 liters a day.


Book and attend your antenatal checkups

It is best to register for an antenatal plan at your clinic.


Health Habits

Make sure you quit alcohol and smoking if you are planning to get pregnant, during pregnancy and while breastfeeding. Alcohol consumption increases the risk of having a baby with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder which causes abnormal facial features with severe behavioral and learning disabilities. Smoking is also associated with increased risk of sudden infant death syndrome, preterm birth and miscarriage.


Stay Active

Staying active in pregnancy is encouraged and can help maintain a smooth pregnancy and delivery. Make sure you confirm with your doctor to find out which exercise is best for you.


Get vaccinated!

Some vaccines are recommended during pregnancy to prevent you from getting sick and increase any risk of complications to your and the baby. Some recommended vaccines include the Tetanus Toxoid and Flu shots. Ask your doctor about your vaccination status.


Get enough sleep

It is important that you get enough sleep (7-9 hours per day) daily. It is advised to sleep on your left side as this improves blood flow.


Try to reduce Stress

To maintain a healthy pregnancy and better birth outcomes, it is encouraged to avoid stressful situations as much as possible. Try to seek help from family members and friends when needed.


Plan your pregnancy

Make sure you are healthy before you plan to get pregnant. It is also important to consider your age before getting pregnant. Increased risk of having a premature birth is often associated with pregnancy earlier than 16 years and older than 40 of age.