Celebrating Men with Action Steps to Better Health
November is Men’s Health Month, an invitation to raise awareness of preventable health problems, encourage early detection and treatment of disease, and improve overall well-being among men and boys.
It is said that men are less likely to seek both urgent and preventive medical care for various reasons. At EHA Clinics, we have made it easy for men to access quality healthcare.
Get screening tests based on your age and family history.
Eat healthy to prevent or manage chronic conditions.
Get and stay active.
What better time than when we wrap the year to take action and literally finish the year strong.
Too busy to walk into a clinic and see a Doctor? With GetCare, we provided a platform that gives you self-directedness and autonomy in managing your health and going at your pace.
GetCare health resources such as the ‘Men's Health Package’, Home care for treatment of chronic issues, telehealth consultation that allows you speak with a Doctor on the go from anywhere in the world, health tests and more.
The good news is it’s never too late to start taking better care of your health.
Spread the word that the key to long and healthy lives for men starts with preventive health care, healthy eating, and exercise.
Celebrating Men with Action Steps to Better Health