JCI Audit and Our Pledge to Excellence - Quality is about YOU!
When you think of the word ‘quality’, what comes to mind? Maybe it’s the brand new Mercedes Benz you saw drive by or the beautiful shoes above your pay-grade or just maybe it is that wonderful dining experience you just had. Whatever comes to mind, the reason you remember is that quality is memorable. It is extraordinary.
The dictionary defines quality as ‘the standard of something as measured against other things of a similar kind or ‘the degree of excellence of something. My favourite definition is a distinctive attribute or characteristic possessed by someone or something.
At EHA Clinics, quality is our mantra. We do not desire to just offer service like everyone else does but a service that is memorable. To do that, we ask ourselves questions. Questions such as, ‘What is excellence to us? What is excellence to you?’
In healthcare and for our members, we believe that the desired excellence is having good health outcomes. It means you come to the Clinic, get treated and get better. We believe it is being able to access the Clinic in convenient ways. We also believe that this means you can trust that your care will be delivered timely, efficiently, respectfully and safely.
Finally, we also believe that excellence means that when you walk into any EHA Clinics branch, the experience is the same excellent level of care.
This reason guided our decision to go for the Joint Commission International (JCI) Accreditation. That achievement is not just a certificate on the wall. It is our pledge to our Members. A pledge that we will think of you first and put systems in place to ensure you get memorable care. It is because we believe quality is about you that we set performance targets for all our departments and monitor them daily, monthly and biannually as evidenced by our recently concluded internal audits.
Over a one-week audit period, our quality teams were in both our Abuja and Kano Clinics going through all the JCI standards. The objective was to ensure that the processes put in place are understood and upheld by our team members and that adjustments are made where necessary.
The audits are an opportunity to remind our team members why we are who we are, why we believe what we believe and to consistently put Members first in providing care. Audits are necessary to refocus and realign with stated objectives and remind ourselves that quality is not a department but the responsibility of each of us.

So, the next time you walk into an EHA Clinics and you are asked to confirm your name and date of birth, we crave your indulgence. They ask because we want to make sure the right treatment or procedure is done on the right Member at the right time. These seemingly little things make up the quality experience that makes a big difference.
Do remember, at EHA Clinics, quality is all about you!
JCI Audit and Our Pledge to Excellence - Quality is about YOU!